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Age: Adults
Pagination: 256 pages
Format: 20 x 30 mm
Binding: Hardcover
Langue: French
Publication: February 2021
Price: 40 € (book available from the Capsaaa association)
ISBN: 978-2-9534278-2-0
The long history of prosthesis is inextricably linked to the history of men. The first standing humans were able to find and then invent support sticks, crutches, canes and improvised devices, substitutes to replace a failing, missing or amputated limb. Who says prosthesis, says amputation, who says amputation says disability of lack! And from the rudimentary wooden pestle to the carbon fiber prosthesis of the high-level sportsman, it is to this long human and technical history, which questions the notion of deficit then compensation, that this collective work will invite the reader.
Valérie Delattre is an archaeo-anthropologist at INRAP (National Institute of Preventive Archaeological Research). She is a specialist in funerary and cultural practices from Protohistory to the Middle Ages; she is also very involved in the field of disability within the associative framework.
Ryadh Sallem is a high-level Paralympic athlete, initiator of humanitarian and associative projects aimed at fighting against all forms of discrimination. Director General of CAPSAAA, organizer of the Defistival and of societal and cultural symposiums, he is also the initiator of Educapcity, a major urban rally dedicated to 8-14-years old. He is also a consultant for companies and the media, a member of CROSIF and APELS, director of VIVRE FM and the Gécina foundation and associate manager of “Séquences Clés Production”… all to promote fraternity and living together in peace.