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Age: 10-15 years old
Pagination: 64 pages
Size: 180 x 130 mm
Binding: Paperback
Languages: French, English, Spanish
Publication: January 2020
ISBN: 978-2-490660-07-0 (printed book_French version)/ 978-2-490660-22-3 (ePub_French version)/ 978-2-490660-25-4 (ePub_English version)/ 978-2-490660-97-1 (ePub_Spanish version)
Kravin is a test subject for a new technology that implants a chip in the brain to broadcast advertisements during sleep. He is caught up in a frantic race for loyalty points. Spending more to earn more, and owning, owning more and more, always more new things… But even before it gets old, the new becomes obsolete, and the pleasure doesn’t last. Is the source of happiness to be found elsewhere?
Nourished by a great passion for manga and anime since his youngest age Jordan Toiné had only one idea in mind when he finished high school: to become a mangaka! Thanks to the support of his family, he decided to leave the island of Martinique, where he comes from, to take courses at AAA – Ecole de Manga, a Parisian manga school. Ephemeral is his first published volume, under the pseudonym of Twané.
Philippe Moati is Associate Professor of Economics at the Université de Paris. His research focuses on trade and the transformation of the consumption model. He is co-founder of ObSoCo (the Observatory of Society and Consumption).