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Vaccine matters: Can we cure coronavirus?

During this exceptional webinar, the experts, all in the field of coronavirus vaccine research, will respond to the public’s most pressing questions.

Fondation Ipsen and AAAS / Science magazine are continuing to partner for an exceptional series of scientific webinars in 2020. This new webinar, on August 12th (12 am ET and 6 pm CET) will be focused on vaccine development against SARS-Cov2.

Top on the world’s want list right now is a coronavirus vaccine. There is plenty of speculation about how and when this might become a reality, but clear answers are scarce.
Science/AAAS, the world’s leading scientific organization and publisher of the Science family of journals, brings together experts in the field of coronavirus vaccine research to answer the public’s most pressing questions: What vaccines are being developed? When are we likely to get them? Are they safe? And most importantly, will they work? Hear from leading authorities from the U.S. National Institutes of Health, the University of Oxford, and the Vanderbilt Vaccine Research Program, with additional comments from Trevor Mundel, president of Gates Foundation Global Health Division. You cannot miss this webinar.

This webinar is free and will last for approximately 60 minutes.

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